Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Off to Vietnam!

Hi Everyone! First of all, I'm posting this from my phone so it'll probably look different from my other posts, but I wanted to get a post up about this. You can probably tell from the title, but I'm going to Vietnam! I'm going with my family for 10 days. I'm on the bus to Chicago to fly there as I type this! There are a few outfits I wanted to get up before I left but I guess they'll just have to wait as packing took priority over posting the past two days :)

I'll definitely do some kind of post with photos from the trip, but probably not outit posts considering I packed for the weather(90 and raining, and lots of hiking/being outside). I'm so excited to share my experience with all of you when I get back! Talk to you soon! :)

PS - Here's a photo of one the places we're going. Sapa, Vietnam. Isn't it beautiful?! (Taken by Dan Ballard)

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